Southampton Doorstep Portraits Questionnaire

Hi there!

Thank you so much for taking part in my Doorstep Portraits Project. It was lovely to meet you (from a distance!) and take your photo.

Hopefully your Doorstep Portrait will not just be a keepsake for you, but also a reminder of this unprecedented time and your experience living through it. As you may already know, I am hoping to share these photos I've taken and the stories behind them with the local museum, as a record of how the Coronavirus pandemic affected Southampton. I would be very grateful if you could answer the questions in this survey in as much detail as possible about your experiences and allow me to share with the museum alongside your photo for historical context. Of course, if you don't want me to share your images that's absolutely fine, the first question is about how you are happy for me to use the photos I have taken. If you have any questions, please do contact me and I'll be more than happy to answer them.

Thank you again! Katherine x

NHS thank you window in Southampton during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Only tick the options you agree to, but you may tick as many as you like. You are under no obligation at all to allow me to share your images and words either on my channels or with any external parties. You may contact me at any time in the future to change your mind about how your images are used, but please be aware, once they have been shared online or with external parties (such as the Museum or newspapers) I may not be able to retract all copies.

Names, ages, relationships, jobs, hobbies - anything that can give us a picture of your family life.

What have you been doing while you've been staying at home? Have you been working from home? Home schooling? Have you taken up any new hobbies or done any specific activities - puzzles, craft, baking etc?

Any thoughts, feelings or experiences you would like to share. What have you struggled with most? Have there been any positive sides to lockdown?

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You can now access your photos below!

Scroll through the galleries or search using the name of the person who booked your Doorstep Portrait shoot. Access the gallery with the password sent to you by email.