Let's Start Your Journey
I can't wait to hear all about you and the memories you want me to help you capture!
Pop a message in the form below and I'll get back to you with a copy of my wedding brochure full of all the details you need and the next steps to booking.
If you haven't heard from me within 48 hours, don't forget to check your junk folder.
If you're looking to contact me for any other details or photoshoots, you can contact me via the email below.

“Those pictures are absolutely divine! I think Angus and I both would have said that we are awkward and adverse to having our photograph taken normally but your warm and kind nature made it feel like it was just all a game and we could mess around and have fun!
Thank you for all of the work you have already put in to create memories that we can cherish and reflect back on - the pictures feel like they’ve been sprinkled with magic!”

“Oh my goodness Katherine!!! They are just the most beautiful photos ever. Thank you soooooo much. You are so amazing at capturing movement and joy!!!! We just can't believe how amazing they are. Thank you SO much!!!”

“OMG Katherine!
You are bloody amazing, they are beautiful ♥️ I have splashed them everywhere. Thank you for everything you did before and during the day, and these beautiful photos. You really did make it so relaxed and easy for me. Love, love, love!!! Xxx”